For Tata Tea Jaago Re

Stop changing the subject – it's time to get to work

By HT Brand Studio | Mar 08, 2017

Sometimes, kids ask the simplest questions - or do they? On #WomensDay, here are some questions that we may not have an answer to.

Alarm Bajne Se Pehle, Jaago Re

This Women's Day, pause and consider those 'uncomfortable' questions your daughter throws at you. Unless we act now, these questions they ask today will become the reality they face as adults.

This Women's Day, pause and consider those 'uncomfortable' questions your daughter throws at you. Unless we act now, these questions they ask today will become the reality they face as adults.

"Ma, why didn't grandmom want you to work after marriage?"
"Why did those men slow down and look at you?"
"Why are there different rules for girls and boys?"

Adolescents and teenagers are experts at aiming volleys of questions at their parents on nearly every topic under the sun. However, most Indian parents are equally skilled at deflecting the more uncomfortable ones – either by changing the topic or with an impatient 'you won't understand'. Sadly, we cannot hide our children from the truth forever; sooner or later, they're going to hunt down the answers – from the internet, their friends, or other sources that may or may not be reliable.

SOURCE: Tata tea

More importantly, ignoring or avoiding the questions won't magically erase the grave social issues that underlie them. Most of these deep-rooted problems have existed for a while now. We may avoid talking about incidents of sexual assault in front of our children, but that will not make the problem disappear from society. Through its latest video, the Jaago Re campaign brings our attention to this very crucial aspect: We cannot ensure a better world for our children unless we start working towards change early on.

The next time a girl wonders why her household follows different rules for sons and daughters, pause and consider the implications of her question. Most of us have faced gender bias at home and at the workplace. Unless we work towards change today, our future generations will continue to encounter the same discrimination as adults. She, too, will feel paranoid when walking alone on the streets. When she finds herself being paid half as much as male colleagues for the same work done, she, too, will learn to accept it as a norm and move on.

By ignoring the questions our daughters ask us, aren't we endangering their safety, confidence, and happiness in the long run? Or would we, as the campaign suggests, rather wait for our daughters to find these answers by themselves?

SOURCE: Tata tea

Wake up before the next question

One of our biggest responsibilities as parents and guardians is to ensure that our children don't face the same difficulties we've grown up with. A key way to do this is by standing up against wrong wherever possible, and letting our sons and daughters see that change comes through action, not reaction.

From sexual harassment to everyday discrimination, women in India fight several battles on a daily basis. Instead of sending out yet another 'Happy Women's Day' forward this year, why not take the time to consider these long-standing issues and pre-act before they continue into the next generation.

Become a Pre-Activist today

The next time you're walking down the street with your daughter and spot an incident of harassment, report it immediately. If you encounter even the smallest episode of gender discrimination at home, stand up against it. Most importantly, don't treat your daughter differently from your son. Let there be no different rules for her – whether it comes to clothes, friends, education, and life choices.

Change, after all, begins at home.

The Jaago Re campaign urges people to be up and on the job way before crisis strikes—be it through early discussions around social issues or preventive measures through education and awareness building. Join the conversation today at

Tags Women's Day 2017Tata TeaJaago ReGirlsQuestions